Vision & Aim


The vision for BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY is based on knowing what as a school we believe and value. There are elements of what we want for the school that are timeless and others which are determined and dependent upon the local and national picture for education.

BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY is a community and part of a Community Trust. It is a school where staff, students and parents will have a voice. We want BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY to be a place that the students can be proud of and fulfilled in the fact that they attend an Upper School that is both safe and enjoyable. They will come to a school that is orderly with a clear expectation that they are here to learn. Students will be taught by teachers who are highly skilled and understand the relationship between teaching and learning.

Our Novel programmes like Education for Life. Practical life Skill Training, Focus Group Assistance, Roots & Wings Programme, etc. are of the exclusive programmes for the wholesome development of the students.

The  students  will  experience  education  in  its  widest  sense  through  having  the  opportunity  to  participate  in sport, music, drama and the arts and appreciate the value that they bring to their wider education. The school community  will  be  encouraged  to  engage  and  learn  outside  the  confines  of  the  school  gate.  Our  students  will go  out  into  the  community,  looking  smart  and  being  ambassadors  for  what  the  school  believes  in.

Our  aim  is  for  students  to  leave  BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY with  the  confidence  to  articulate  what  they  believe  in  and the  skills  that  can  enable  them  to  be  successful  in  their  chosen  future  paths.  We  will  support,  encourage  and challenge  our  students  to  make  the  most  of  not  only  the  opportunities  available  to  them  but  also  their  innate skills  and  abilities.

Students  who  come  to  BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY will  come  to  a  school  whereby  the  expectation  for  them  will  be  to become as successful as they possibly can be. Success is relative and our students will be challenged to achieve appropriate  academic  accreditation.

BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY will be a place where students of diverse abilities and cultures will be able to embark upon a learning pathway that is best suited to their personal abilities and aspirations. We live in a knowledge society, therefore  it  is  important  to  understand  how  we  acquire  knowledge.  Those  who  can  learn  how  to  acquire knowledge  will  be  skilled  in  becoming  successful.  It  is  not  what  we  know  that  is  important  but  how  we  come to know it. Students who come to BHASKER EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY will leave knowing and believing that they have the skills in  learning  to  be  successful.

Strive to be an educational institute of excellence which nurtures passionate, confident and happy individuals, enabling them to explore innate abilities and be lifelong learners.

School Philosophy

‘Every child is unique’-be it their abilities, learning styles, interests, personality or overall behaviors which Gives us a perspective to understand, focus our efforts and address the individual needs of the child. Helps to create a learning environment that is stress free, emotionally comfortable and joyful to every child.