Bhasker Educational Academy has a variety of extra-curricular activities which are open to students of all ages and abilities.
What types of extra-curricular activities do we offer?
- Different sports clubs
- Arts clubs e.g. drama, music, dance and art
- Subject support sessions for students.
- BEA groups e.g. A/A* lessons for targeted students
- Inter-tutor competitions e.g. drama club or Year 7’s Got Talent where students have to attend a certain number of rehearsals
- Whole school productions
- Learning activities or supported homework
How do we ensure that the extra-curricular activities are what the students want?
- A questionnaire goes out to students.
- Suggestions are made through the Year and School Councils
- There is an Arts Council in Years 7 and 8 who make suggestions and Arts Leaders make recommendations.
How do we publicise extra-curricular activities?
- There is information on the website.
- Information is placed on year powerpoints to be shown at tutor time.
- There are opportunities to show activities undertaken in extra –curricular activities e.g. summer vacation or the winter vacation.
How do we monitor attendance at extra-curricular activities?
- Registers are taken and stored in a central area to allow analysis.
How do we encourage/reward attendance at extra-curricular activities?
- Sports leaders and Arts Leaders are from those students who take part in extra-curricular activities.
- There are opportunities to perform and prizes are given in assemblies; a Sports dinner is held each year; tutor points and tutor competitions encourage attendance
How do we support more able students in extra-curricular activities?
- There are specific extra-curricular activities for BEA students put in place by departments e.g. A/A* project lessons; Carnegie Book Shadowing group; BEA project group for Key Stage 3 students; EPQ programme for sixth form BEA students.